Snapped this at HI JUICE fitting is that?!
Hi Loves!!
Go French Yourself is almost one year old! I cannot believe it. I wanted to wait for February to do a whole redesign with the blog but the right time came along to do it now and I couldn't be happier. It's like rearranging furniture and switching out linens for the seasons. I have become addicted to keeping things constantly evolving with Go French Yourself. I also adore sharing the love with all of my creative friends in the digital business who design web pages. It's nice to always get a fresh approach on things and some fresh eyes. The blogging world can be very competitive and you have to keep hitting that refresh button so-to-speak. You never really stop learning either and I love that about this business. I am always taking new courses, meeting new engagement groups, and connecting with other successful influencers. It's really a full time job and I have been happily working my ass off!
So as far as the redesign, you will notice the navigation is slightly different, especially if you are logging in from your desktop or tablet. I am always taking feedback from my readers and my very critical family..(yes, you...HI guys.....) and making the site more user friendly for the masses. So you will notice there is now a navigation bar at the top with very detailed info so you can really get to where you are wanting to go. We have added some categories including the holiday gift guides which are being well received. We have made sure that our search engines are at the top now on both desktop and mobile making it easier for you to just search with a keyword. You will also notice I am wanting you to not only subscribe to Go French Yourself on Blog Lovin' (I love them so much ) but I am now making it super easy for you to subscribe to my monthly newsletter that will launch at the first of the year in 2017. We're all busy. Some people have mentioned, I just never sit down and read blogs Sam but if I got something in my email, I would definitely respond to that. All new subscribers will receive my capsule wardrobe checklist so you too can embrace this lifestyle that I have talked about and practiced for years with just owning essentials! It has changed my whole life. Each month their will be some recaps, shopping guides, and something of value that i am giving you for being here on this journey with me ! The content will be a tad different from what you can find on the blog too. So subscribe now to get your capsule wardrobe checklist and get in on the big first January newsletter! It's going to be juicy!
It takes a village.
Not only is the design changing, but the content is changing. Actually not changing...more like really evolving. I am evolving so my blog is naturally evolving with me. This is not a re-launch. It will remain very much my personal diary. But you will notice that with each post, there is something to learn, something to take away with you. Will I occasionally just need to vent and air some things out...sure! You know I am a strong opinionated lady! Some things will never change. And I love writing about everything from style and traveling and I love the interviews I do showcasing people that I am really inspired by. I have some great people to introduce you to next week!
Some of you asked about sponsored posts and ads. I will always do what looks and feels right for me and the direction of Go French Yourself. I am a full time blogger monetizing my blog to make a living for myself and I really hope for my sake you will see more and more sponsored work. However, I only work with advertisers that I love. I turn down many jobs daily because it would compromise my authenticity. So please do not frown when you see that a post of mine is sponsored. Instead high five me, blow me a kiss..and read the story and then read it again and then share it. That just means my hard work is paying off you dears! And I appreciate your continued support and love and encouragement .
One major thing you will notice is some improvements and updates to Shop Sam's Collections. I am still getting daily emails, texts and calls about how much people miss Shop Sam's Closet. We have people doing that same concept here but I was the pioneer and they recognize that and applaud it and for that I am so grateful. I miss it too for different reasons. It was a great chapter in my book and I learned so much. But darlings, you can still shop my curated collections! These are things I have combed the internet searching for to help you. And never hesitate to shoot me a message. I am still doing personal styling for an hourly fee. I will dress you for whatever event you are attending and I promise you will be the best dressed in the room!
So enough of me...blah, blah, blah...
Look around , sign up for the newsletter, and share my blog with someone you love. I would love to hear your feedback in my comments on the posts you read and you can easily share posts to your face-book, twitter, and Pinterest accounts from the post. So simple, yes?!
So many thanks and hugs and kisses to you all and I need to thank a few people behind the scenes!
Andi Eaton who designed my first blog layout and has helped me so many steps of the way. She's got book #2 headed your way next year and you will be discovering some awesome places. Her blog makes me want to never unpack my suitcase and just keep roaming!
Brooke Hyden who designed this new blog layout for me and who has helped me tremendously with my newsletter and so many other things including my sanity. HA! She made the process so easy and we worked really well together. If you need any kind of digital help with your site and social media, she is your girl. Contact her here. She is also a travel blogger and has the most amazing informative travel blog.
And to my sweet NEVER give up on me and my dreams and I love you with every inch of my body. I cannot wait until I can one day buy you that Ducati!
Hugs Everyone. Go French Yourselves!