Berry Platter With Labneh And Orange Oil -Ottolenghi Recipe



3 2⁄3 cups/900 g sheep milk yogurt or cow milk yogurt

½ tsp table salt

Berry Platter

7 tbsp/105 mL good-quality olive oil

1⁄3 oz/10 g lemon thyme sprigs, plus a few whole thyme leaves

1 orange: finely shave the peel to get 6 strips

1 1⁄3 cups/200 g blackberries

2 cups/250 g raspberries

3 cups/300 g strawberries, hulled and halved lengthwise (or quartered if they’re larger)

¼ cup/50 g superfine sugar

1 lime: finely zest to get 1 tsp, then juice to get 1 tbsp

1 ¼ cups/200 g blueberries

2⁄3 cup/150 g cherries, pitted


Yield: Serves 6

Make Labneh

  1. Line a colander with a piece of muslin large enough to hang over the sides and place the colander over a bowl. Put the yogurt and salt into a medium bowl and mix well to combine. Transfer the yogurt to the muslin and fold over the sides to completely encase the yogurt. Place a heavy weight over the muslin (a few cans or jars will do) and transfer to the fridge to drain for at least 24 hours or up to 48 hours.

Make Berry Platter

  1. Meanwhile, put the olive oil into a small saucepan, for which you have a lid, on medium heat. Heat gently for about 7 minutes, or until tiny air bubbles form. Remove from the heat, add the lemon thyme sprigs and orange strips, and then cover and let infuse, ideally overnight, though 30 minutes will also do the job.

  2. Put ⅓ cup/50 g of the blackberries, ¾ cup/100 g of the raspberries, and ⅓ cup/100 g of the strawberries into the bowl of a small food processor along with the sugar and lime juice, and blitz until completely smooth. Put all the remaining berries and the cherries into a large bowl along with the blitzed fruit and gently combine. (You can serve straight away or leave in the fridge for a few hours, bringing back to room temperature before serving.)

  3. Spread the labneh out on a large platter. Spoon in the berries, then sprinkle with the lime zest. Drizzle with 2 tbsp of the infused oil, dot with a couple of the orange strips and whole thyme leaves, and serve at once.
