Fresh Eucalyptus Subscription-Eucalyptus shipped straight to your door.

I don’t know about you, but I am a huge fan of greenery and flowers throughout the home. Even more, I specifically love eucalyptus. Greenery brings such life and energy into a space! This plant, with its vintage look yet fresh feel has been so popular in wedding bouquets (hello Pinterest) to holiday décor and found decoratively throughout people’s homes – from wreaths on the front door to in vases throughout the home, to in the shower. Yep…in the shower for an at home spa experience!!!!!!!!!!

And Eucalyptus Farms is making it super simple for us to never be without these pretty sprigs with their incredible subscription service!

Founded in 1973, Eucalyptus Farms has been growing the country’s highest quality eucalyptus for decades. Their team grows and sources the best eucalyptus in California to provide the healthiest, freshest sprigs for your monthly eucalyptus bouquets. They’re deeply passionate about bringing more of the natural world to modern spaces, and they love that eucalyptus is an effortless, long-lasting way to just do that.


Each month, you'll receive a box of 12 beautiful eucalyptus sprigs cut from their trees and bundled with care. Each sprig is about 20" in length, and each box comes with care instructions. One bouquet is enough for about two rooms, depending on how you’d like to use the eucalyptus. Pop ‘em in a vase for a standout centerpiece, hang a bunch beneath your shower head for a full spa effect (warm water releases their fragrance), or string a few over your desk to bring a little natural serenity to your work life.

Upon arrival, you should trim the bottoms of your eucalyptus stalks. They’ll stay fresh and fragrant in a vase of water for about a week, at which point they’ll start to dry out. Dried eucalyptus retains its original shape and color, making it a long-lasting, gorgeous piece of decor for many months. Once dried, the water from the vase can be removed. *To release additional fragrance from your dried eucalyptus, just run it under warm water!

Fun Fact: Eucalyptus is quite an ancient tree, with fossils that date back some 52 million years ago. Originating in Australia, eucalyptus had been considered a holy tree by Aboriginals for centuries. The trees are thought to be spiritually cleansing and purifying, with leaves that are densely packed in oil glands, producing unique scents that range from lemon to peppermint.


Subscriptions automatically renew But SKIP any month. GIFT any month. Cancel any time.

I absolutely just love the idea that you can gift a month!! So many people are going through such difficult times and this would surely put a smile on their face!!!

So back to that DIY Spa SHOWER………..

Adding Eucalyptus to the shower is a quick trick to elevate your morning routine into what feels like a revitalizing trip to the spa. In order to do this, you can tie a few branches at the top into a V and place it on top of your shower-head (this way, it is easy to remove in a few weeks once the leaves have dried out, aren’t as yummy smelling, and need to be replaced with a fresh set.) The steam releases the scent of the Eucalyptus oil and as the bathroom fogs up, the scent takes over. Eucalyptus oil is said to aid with clear breathing and a sense of relaxation !! It is so invigorating!!!


iN THE KItchen, Dining area, Guest room and bedroom

In the kitchen or around your home is the easiest way to incorporate fresh eucalyptus, using a pretty vase. Nothing is better than a nice smelling kitchen and home….and the scent of this plant is just so clean and fresh.

We love it all throughout our home!! And even after it dries out I love using the sprigs in various ways!

Are you a fan of eucalyptus? What are your tricks to adding this pretty greenery into your living space? Tell me in the comments below! I would love to know!

And check out Eucalyptus Farms with the link below.
