Merging Fitness & Safety With Fashion In Wisewear
I had a Fitbit once and hated it unless I was literally working out. I wore it to a wedding once because I wanted to keep track of my movement and I knew I would be shaking my tail feather on the dance floor. And then when I got the photos back and saw that big hideous purple thing on my wrist....I sold it and never looked back.
Maybe I am vain and I am 100% okay with that!
I had just agreed that fitness trackers have not been focused on women. I mean look at the apple watch. I would never wear that thing. Like Ever. It's way too chunky like most fitness trackers. I have been dying to find one tailored to the active fashionista that I am but all I was finding were things designed by total fitness freaks and technology buffs.
Then I was introduced to Wisewear. And oh em still my heart. They have designed the most beautiful glam wearable technology that is both functional and oh so very attractive!! I can seriously wear this to a gala with a gorgeous formal gown and not even think twice. It's just so chic and elegant looking and also has a real modern design which I cannot get enough of because it reminds me of a piece of modern art or a lovely sculpture. You all know I love a good statement piece.
Iris Apfel is a design partner for Wisewear and that babe knows a thing or two about a fashionable accessory!
They even go one step further and have designed a safety function into their device. A recent Gallup poll shows that around four in 10 adults in the US say there is an area within a mile of where they live where they would be afraid to walk alone at night.Furthermore, the poll shows that nearly half of all women, 45%, said they do not feel safe walking alone at night, along with 27% of men. Though substantial, this 18-percentage-point “safety gap” between the genders is in line with historical trends, and larger gulfs have been measured in the past. I have even been a little anxious walking the river by my home in daylight because of the increase of homeless down there and well, you just never know. A few men have made me feel very uncomfortable and unsafe in my surroundings.
My bracelet has distress messaging so I can stay safe by alerting my emergency contacts with just three taps to my blue-tooth connected bracelet. This makes Lin feel so much better and secure on my long walks.
My bracelet also has activity tracking capabilities. It easily tracks my daily and weekly steps, calories burned, my distance, and the time that I was active with the Wisewear app. I was able to set my daily and weekly goals too so I keep myself motivated and focused.
I also get mobile notifications directly from my iPhone via Bluetooth with a gentle vibration. These vibrations notify me to check my phone for important calls, texts, emails, calendar events and low phone battery...kinda like my little gold personal assistant!
And I adore the long lasting battery. It lasts 72 hours on a full charge which is so impressive! My Fitbit never gave me that kind of flexibility. Traveling to Boston this week and am excited to not have to be stress about charging my bracelet. And I want my steps. I will be walking all over the place and get really attached to the step counting.
I went with the Calder Wisewear bracelet from their Socialite Collection. It was a hard choice between the gold and the rose gold though. The Duchess is really stunning too if you want a more traditional shape and a pop of color. I will be showing you some styles at the end of the post!
I am so impresseded my dears! And so happy. I have been wearing my Wisewear bracelet for 5 full days now and am obsessed with it. I have received so many compliments at the spin studio and out and about. This is exactly what I have been searching for.
These are going to make amazing Christmas gifts too. Such a great option for women of all ages from college students to aging parents. I think this would be great for Lin's mom too. You never know when a fall is going to happen and it will be so nice to feel secure in knowing she can alert for help. Again in an urgent situation, you just tap the bottom half of your bracelet to notify your emergency contacts with a text message and drop pin to your GPS location.
I cannot wait to see which one you pick!
Cheers to Wisewear for keeping us safe, healthy, fashionable, and connected to what matters most!!!
(This post was sponsored by Wisewear but all opionions are mine alone. )