Naturopathic Approach to HPV//An Interview With Dr. Elizabeth Goldspink, ND
Friends, I just got back from a two week long Thanksgiving trip to Houston and was able to unplug for a bit!! I so needed that too!
I am so excited to really get the Q and A portion of my blog going again and I am thrilled for you to meet Dr. Goldspink today! She is a healer and is inspiring the heck out of me.
Dr. Elizabeth Goldspink (Stavros), ND graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Canada, where she completed a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine (ND). She also holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Ottawa. As a Clinical Intern in both general medicine and adjunctive cancer care at CCNM, Dr. Goldspink focused her training and research on disease prevention, longevity, and naturopathic oncology. Dr. Goldspink has taken the Mind Body Medicine program at Harvard University Medical School in Boston, where she studied under Dr. Herbert Benson MD, the world leader in the study, advancement, and clinical practice of mind/body medicine. She has taken part in psychotherapy courses that focus on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness Based Therapy, and Clinical Skills Training and uses this knowledge to help clients make lasting beneficial life changes. Known for keeping up to date on all of the most recent medical literature, Dr. Goldspink has published articles in peer-reviewed journals on women’s health conditions and cancer prevention. She writes for various print and online publications, including Integrative Healthcare Practitioners (IHP), and formulates natural health products (NHP’s) for various companies, including Papillex. I am so intrigued with Papillex having lost my mom to cervical cancer and knew I needed to share this amazing supplement with my readers. I am not personally affected by HPV but have many friends who are and know they are going to really enjoy this post.
I have always had a passion for natural medicine and helping people be their best selves and I feel blessed that I get to do this kind of healing work on a daily basis .
Interview With Dr. Goldspink
-What is Papillex™?
Papillex™ is a natural health supplement, formulated by leading naturopathic doctors, to support a natural immune system response to HPV. The key ingredients in Papillex™ safely and effectively support the body’s ability to eliminate genital warts, cervical dysplasia and other HPV symptoms.
-Why was Papillex created?!
My best friend was diagnosed with HPV more than 10 years ago and abnormal cervical cells were found on her routine Pap Smear. What began as CIN 1 quickly progressed to CIN 2 and then CIN 3. Cervical cancer became a concern and I wanted to help her recover as quickly as possible. I spent weeks doing a comprehensive literature review on how to help her recover using natural medicine, dove deeply into all the medial databases to find the best available data, and interviewed professors who had decades of experience treating HPV naturally. I then came up with a very comprehensive, evidence-based plan for her. I gave her 10 different natural supplements to take daily. A few months later, her pap smear and cervical cells were restored to normal. She was relieved at this positive turnaround and said to me “why don’t you produce a single natural supplement that has all 10 of the ingredients that you gave me to take, to help other women like me?” That was the day that Papillex was born and since then we have helped thousands of other women with similar stories.
-What should a person do in addition to taking Papillex ™ to help relieve symptoms of HPV?
Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables and minimize the ingestion of animal products and saturated fats that impair immunity and contribute to inflammation in the body. Quit smoking as smokers exhibit a 200-300% higher incidence of cervical dysplasia. Strengthen your immune system by sleeping 7-8 hours a night, exercising regularly and reducing stress which can impair immune system function.
-Can I take Papillex™ with my other supplements or medications?
There are no known interactions with Papillex™ and any natural supplements or medications. If you are taking other medications, we advise you to consult with your healthcare practitioner before taking this product.
-How long before I might expect to see some results?
Although some people notice a difference sooner, we suggest that you take Papillex™ for at least 90 days.
-Does Papillex™ have any side effects?
This product has been safely used by clients for more than a decade and we do not have any side effect reports.
-How should a person take Papillex™?
Take two capsules daily or twice daily. Papillex can be taken with or without food.
-Are there natural therapies for severe cervical dysplasia?
Yes, a trained naturopathic doctor or other medical practitioner specialized in this treatment, can do cervical escharotic treatment. This procedure involves the application of bromelain directly to the cervix, followed by a solution of zinc and Sanguinaria. Naturopathic doctors or other trained medical practitioners may also prescribe herbal suppositories that help heal abnormal cervical cells and cervical dysplasia.
-Outside of Papillex, what are the things you enjoy most?!
Yoga and mindfulness meditation to help clear my mind at the end of a busy workday. I set time every morning to exercise and to get clear on my intentions and priorities for the day. In the evenings, I spend with family enjoying a healthy dinner and relaxing. I love the water and whenever possible try to be near or in it!
-Favorite places in Canada?
I love Vancouver because it has it all – mountains, the ocean, and a great climate. But I also love Toronto where I live, because it has so much to offer as a cosmopolitan city in terms of great restaurants and things to see and do.
-Fave thing in your closet?
Definitely my knee-high riding boots which I throw on with tights whenever possible during the cool Fall and Winter months.
-What’s next for you?
I will continue to formulate natural health products that help women feel and look their best. I have always had a passion for natural medicine and helping people be their best selves and I feel blessed that I get to do this kind of healing work on a daily basis .
The customer reviews speak for themselves!
And I am in love with the blog! They feature so much informative content.. especially this one where they talk about abnormal pap swears. I have definitely had a few of those before and it is so scary.
Thank you so much to Elizabeth for taking the time ! I have so many fun interviews in que with people you are going to love so keep following me here.
Happy Tuesday and Happy December!
I also have one bottle of Papillex for one lucky reader. I know that this topic is not the easiest thing to discuss openly sometimes so please email me at now through Sunday and I will chose one of you!!