Non-Surgical Facelift-"The Vampire Facial" Featuring Revolution Medical Spa
The vampire facial, otherwise known as a PRP (platelet-rich plasma) facial, has been widely debated ever since Kim Kardashian West underwent the procedure during an episode of the Keeping Up with the Kardashians spin-off, Kim and Kourtney Take Miami. ...
And I have been curious for a whole year and finally decided to try it a little over a week ago.
Note: The facial procedure was offered complimentary to me by Jenna Case. The review is 100 percent my own, candid experience.
The "vampire facial" is really a nickname for micro-needling. (The doctor who performed the first Vampire Facial actually trademarked the name so other med spas aren’t allowed to use it, thus you will hear many different names for this treatment --PRP [Protein-Rich Plasma] Facial, Skin Pen, Dermapen, Microneedling– these are all different names for [essentially] the same procedure.)
The reason why this procedure earned its nickname, the vampire facial, is in some cases the micro-needling is immediately followed with platelet rich plasma (PRP) from the patient’s own blood (in this case, mine). I had four small vials taken and the plasma and red part of the blood was used as a serum immediately following the device. PRP contains a high concentration of the body's own growth factors to stimulate a healing response. Some med spa's might only use the yellowish Plasma so you might not get the crazy cool pics I got but there's good reason why Revolution does what they do! Plus they have the one and only FDA approved microneedling device.
Doctor Edwards believes that more of the red blood cells being present is highly beneficial.
Here’s how their PRP methods works.
1. Draw whole blood in ACD tubes.
2. Without chilling the blood, put it in a centrifuge for slow speed (soft spin). This separates plasma from RBC.
3. Transfer the plasma into another non-ACD tube.
4. Centrifuge it at a higher speed (hard spin). This concentrates the platelets at the bottom of the tube.
5. The bottom 1/3rd is Platelet-Rich Plasma. Remove the other two thirds, which is Platelet-Poor Plasma. And shake the tube so that platelet pellets at the bottom of the tube gets mixed for an even concentration of Platelet-Rich Plasma.
Using a device with fine needles, it creates tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin, creating "controlled injury" to the skin that triggers the body to create new collagen and elastin, a key part of our skin that begins to reduce as we age. Through this micro-needling, we are boosting our own skin's healing power and getting stronger from the inside out.
I'm a little uneasy, okay, who am I kidding, a lot of uneasy, with the idea of needles, so if I can do this, you so can do this.
We made a great video of the procedure start to finish too and I highly recommend watching it. I have added it to my Instagram story Hi-lights and you can find it under the Skin Category. You will see lots of other content as it begins but just skip until you reach the PRP Facial. Special thanks to Eddie Garcia!
And you will be in a robe! I chose to stay in my clothes for the shoot.
Jenna started by applying a heavy-duty numbing cream to my entire face. Because this service involves electric micro-needling the numbing cream is meant to minimize any discomfort. This part was so wonderful because you get a nice relaxing face massage too. While I am relaxing, my blood is spinning in a centrifuge. You can see it on the Insta Story video.
Once I was well-numbed — which took about 35 minutes — Jenna began the process. The tool buzzes and reminds me of something you might hear at the dentist's office. Surprisingly, I didn't feel a thing, except for when she placed the microneedle around my nose and lips, which felt a bit like being pricked with a pen. But it was bearable--almost like a tattoo. We also were chatting lots and filming and taking photos so the numbing cream was weakening. I don't think someone like you getting the treatment will feel any discomfort, all though everyone is different. Again-it's so bearable and I have zero pain tolerance. Just ask my friends Ackie and Kendal. They have seen me freak out over paper cuts and splinters. #TrueStory.
Jenna worked in small patches until she finished the microneedling portion about 35 minutes later.
Did you faint yet or are you still reading?!
So I know you are asking yourself why?! Why would anyone want to do this willingly?!
Younger looking color to your skin because of the new blood vessel formation.
The outer most layer of your skin or “epidermis” will appear smoother.
The procedure stimulates new collagen production over time in the “dermis”. This will lift the face to a more youthful, firmer shape.
Diminished fine lines and wrinkles
Diminish acne scarring or any scaring for that matter
Improve pore size (one of the things that is my main concern)
By injecting these activated platelets under skin, we can achieve an accelerated skin rejuvenation which would have never been possible under normal circumstances. By using PRP, we can push skin into enhanced repair mode and stimulate renovation of the skin where it needs it the most. PRP works to activate the immune system to remove damaged cells and stimulates more collagen and elastin, ultimately creating thicker, firmer and healthier tissue. It can also help improve microcirculation of the skin, repairing damaged blood vessels and assuring the skin better nutrition, oxygenation and toxin removal.
In general, the skin will visibly appear fuller and more youthful. You will be able to appreciate a softening of wrinkling, folds or scarring. Skin will improve in terms of overall color, tone, pore size, texture and you will appreciate a lifting effect.
Results will vary, depending on your age, overall health, extent of skin damage you have present, your nutrition and lifestyle factors (smoking and alcohol consumption). The more damaged your skin is, the more sessions that you may require to see full benefits.
The PRP facial is ideal for everyone. It’s the perfect treatment for patients wanting to rejuvenate the face without surgery. It is also ideal for elderly patients as incisions made by the more traditional facelift surgeries can take a lot more time to heal and can include further complications related to surgery.
So healing time and recovery?!
I was never in any pain, despite that you will see redness. Don't let it scare you. It is painless, and the redness and light bruising (if any) is temporary! It's important to plan ahead if you are having this procedure done, even though it's minimally invasive. My skin did feel very hot and tight immediately afterward, and you can't wear any makeup or even sunscreen for 24 to 48 hours. My face was very red like I had a terrible sunburn. The majority of the redness lasted about three days and slowly gave way to dry and lightly peeling skin. I applied the serums Jenna gave me frequently.
I'd recommend scheduling this procedure with at least one week of healing time before you have an important event. Not that you need to hide in your house --but you certainly want to be fully recovered before a major event.
Here are my photos. (no filters, no makeup)
One week later, my skin has never looked better. I have even posted photos of myself with no makeup and love the way my skin looks and feels. My neighbors and friends at Pilates have asked me about my skin!!! I look well rested too!
When is the last time you have ever seen a picture of me facing frontwards bare faced ???!!!!!! I AM GLOWING!
So was it worth it?
The idea of micro-needling is very popular right now, and I couldn’t be happier. My pores are looking smaller everyday and my skin feels and looks tighter. My skin feels incredibly smooth and soft, and I know that it's only going to get better every day.
Within 2 to 3 months, when the greatest benefit is seen, individuals report fully refreshed skin that looks and feels more youthful. These results can last between 1 to 2 years afterwards depending on the individual. After your PRP therapy, skin hydration and sun protection are paramount. A daily skin care regime that includes a good quality moisturizer and multiple applications of sunscreen of 30 SPF or higher throughout the day is critical .
Jenna recommends adding The PRP Facial to your skin care regime getting three treatments a year for the optimal results.
So would I try it again? Absolutely. What Jenna says, I do!! My skin is looking so good, thanks to her.
She has me getting regular services and all about The Fire & Ice Facial here and check out this post on a decongesting facial. That worked wonders on my congested skin. Jenna has me on a solid skin care routine with iS Clinical too and we were blown away by the results when she saw me last! So I highly recommend the products that she sells. I was using a brand of botanical products for years and it turns out it really wasn't doing much for my skin. Ugh--all the years and money I wasted.
So my lovelies--
Jenna has generously decided to let you try " The Vampire Facial" for a special price of $299.00, saving you $101.00 as long as you book prior to June 30th.
You can call Jenna directly at 918-935-3636.
What are you waiting for!
Treat Yo'self today!!!
I will be sharing my experiences with mole removal and botox soon also!!!!
And I highly recommend both!! Why live with something on your face that you hate that you can easily inexpensively remove and BOTOX----why the heck did I wait so long?!!!!!!