The Stylish Way To Stay In-The-Know ..Featuring The Newsette

I am just going to start off by saying that if you don't already know about The Newsette, you can seriously send me flowers after you read this because I am about to blow that pretty little mind of yours.

I love a fabulous morning read that will inspire, motivate, and inform me while I sip my latte and enjoy the peace and quiet before the world around me wakes up. And if I am in a major hurry- I still enjoy this read daily and consider it the loveliest afternoon pick me up. This little gem just brightens my inbox every single day bringing me all the fab fashion, beauty, wellness, and buzz-worthy news (no politics allowed here..thank goodness) like inspiring articles on ways to get out of my fashion comfort zone or ways to look French in very American situations. (one of my personal current fave reads) There was even a recent article on how to be your best self post breakup--I forwarded that one to a few friends. 

This is my source for everything! This is where I first learned that Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk were engaged after quietly dating for three years. Three years??! Okay Gwyn...we all had high hopes that you were still on the market. I cried in my latte a little--not going to lie. This is also where I learned that Beyoncé had dethroned Taylor Swift as the richest woman in music. Forbes announced that Bey made a whopping $105 million this year thanks to Lemonade and her Formation tour. Adele came in second place with $69 million and Taylor nabbed third place with $44 million. Dang Bey, dang. 

Molly Rieger also gave us some of her nutrition tips! She is a registered dietitian dedicated to helping her clients eat—and feel—great. Through “Molly’s Best,” she takes an individualized approach to help her A-list clientele work on eating mindfully and creating healthier habits. Part of Molly’s job is flying around the world to aid supermodels and celebrities with their wellness routines. I loved her feature over on The Newsette. 

Like seriously every time you open up that email from The Newsette, you are going to say.." Bonjour. Omg. Say What? Omg. I needed this today". 

Their is always a quote of the day and even some fab shopping picks on the day's wishlist. (um...hello APL TechLoom mesh sneakers of my dreams..)

 And I personally love the daily mood board. One of their recent posts even inspired this #ootd below. It was fun to get pulled out of my comfort zone and add some color into my life. I mean..look, I am one with the trees. 

The Newsette was started back in 2015 by Daniella Pierson as a way to inspire women everywhere before a busy day of work. As a college sophomore, Daniella found that she didn’t have enough time to visit her 50 favorite websites every morning, so she set out to design a newsletter that would deliver everything her subscribers wanted to read right to their inboxes. So you literally get everything all in one place every morning straight to your inbox! Be still my heart. 

Can we be BFF's Daniella??

It's such great content full of pretty pics AND it's an email I actually can't wait to get. 

And it's free!!!

Go on and sign up here my darling girls. You are going to love this.

There is truly something for everyone!
