You Can Now Shop My Looks On The LikeToKnowIt Platform

The perk of getting up at 6 a.m is this beautiful magic hour golden light I get to play in. It’s a short period of time I get to myself before everyone wakes up pushing and pulling me in every direction so I completely appreciate every precious second of its bliss.

Plants require patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them. They please my eye and please my soul and challenge my patience.. and I love seeing them thrive and grow.

I love seeing myself and GFY grow too but have been in a constant state of languishing . But I am trying to get back to flourishing . I know that there are more things I can be doing to better serve my followers so I have finally decided to be active on the LikeToKnowIt platform! I get messages everyday from you guys about how much you miss Shop Sam’s Closet - and this is pretty much like having my own “boutique” again .

Looking back at why I even started GFY to begin with was constant questions like:

“How did you style that?”
“How does your hair always look so shiny?”
“Where are the best places to find French culture here in the U.S?"
“Where’s that rug from?”
“How can I get those pillows?”

And all of a sudden, I was spending hours each day sharing how-to's and life hacks with my best girls!

I have always hesitated pushing too many affiliate links because it felt so spammy and I see so many people go about it the wrong way but I have to remember why most of you are here and I want to always be adding value to my content. Of course I do make a small commission when you shop my links but this is what keeps GFY creating ! ( please consider me when you shop)

So now you can instantly shop my looks ( including this amazing ceramic watering can from the Hilton Carter for Target Collection) by following me on shopping app
