Bleary eyes, insaned mind bemused and mystified by sleep, details that pop out even as you write them you don’t know what they mean, till you wake up, have coffee, look at it, and see the logic of dreams in dream language itself, see? -Jack Kerouac
Coffee. I seriously love it. And I FINALLY got a chance to get into Cirque today in my current hometown. I need to add this gem into my Tulsa Drink Diary. It was so refreshing today to catch up with my bestie Lara. We both have been traveling so much and have been on completely different schedules. I have had so much going on lately with the condo on the market and our home purge sale. And Lara is currently living the gypset life interviewing for jobs all over the place. This time was much needed and all I can say is Bourbon Citrus Latte! Hot and iced...we tried both. Loving all the succulents in old Le Labo tins. The natural light is gorgeous and it's a very inspiring space.Wow. Cirque is beautiful and I cannot wait to go back.
Had a wonderful catch up coffee break with Lara. Being my youngest friend, she is actually my wisest friend and I swear she's secretly 50. I had so much to fill her in on.
It's been a weird few weeks. My sweet 15 year old daughter has been dealing with a cyber bully at school and it's been such a heart breaking thing to witness. And the crazy thing is I wish I could tell her that things change and mean girls grow up but that would be a huge lie. I still am being bullied and cyber stalked myself. (you can read about all that in detail here ) It's incredibly frustrating but in the end I have told my sweet girl that we just gotta stay positive and happy and not give these negative cowards a second of our energy. People who hide behind screens developing fake email accounts and fake instagram accounts and fake facebook accounts to tear other people down have too much time on their hands and are the worst cowards of all actually. At least own it. It's amazing how the internet can be a place where people will hurt you and tear you down and it's also amazing how you can really use it as a microscope and even find a cyber bulldog to find out who is behind the screen if need be.
So in conclusion all I can do is laugh, live my life, and keep my head high. I mean it's really a silly thing when someone dislikes you but yet they stalk you. Why give someone you dislike so much time and energy? I will never understand how this works because I am the exact opposite. I gave Zoe the same advice. You cannot change what other people do, you can only change how you react to it and huge silver lining.......thank you ip address 216-16-140-86 for boosting my analytics through the roof.
In other far more important news today, I got some new Fall color!!
Looking forward to introducing you to Jesus Garcia on the blog so soon. But here is a sneak peak. The color is beautiful!