Better Sleep With Goodnight Darling Co.

We all have things we have to accomplish, even in these uncertain times!. We have to drink more water, take more steps, get through our to do list, and get those zzzzz’s. This month, I am on a mission to cultivate as much gratitude as possible and one of the most effective ways I’ve found to do this is with one very small yet super powerful habit. Instead of thinking I “have” to do this today, I think I “get” to do this.

I get to go walk my pups and enjoy my neighborhood blooms! I get to cook dinner for the one I love. And so on…! See….try it!

Making my night time wind down routine something I “get” to do, rather than have to do too! The added benefit is that my quality of sleep is better as a result. And when Sam gets the sleep the world is just a better place! LOL!

“Bed time” is a term typically reserved for kids, but the truth is that the hour before you go to bed can be critical to how well you sleep.

Here are a few simple habits I’ve been doing to ensure I get the rest I need!

Night time tea ritual and self care – Start a night time ritual like making yourself a cup of chamomile tea or doing a skincare routine. It’s a soothing way to wind down your mind and body. Herbal ingredients like lavender, chamomile, valerian, and spearmint are known to relieve stress and calm anxiety. And I know we all have a bit more anxiety than usual with this virus. It is effecting money and lots of other components that add stress to our daily lives!

Ditch your phone – Turns off the stupid phone and charge it in another room to prevent night time or morning screen time. Get an alarm clock, turn off your phone, and try reading a book before bed instead of scrolling.

Try a sleeping mask – Another way to stop light from messaging with your circadian rhythm is to block out any light with a sleeping mask.

Room Spray- I love the black lavender room spray from black-owned business Goodnight Darling Co. Embrace the warmth of the sunshine, its golden rays caressing your skin as the light ocean breeze keeps you feeling cool and refreshed.

Serenity owns the scene. You close your heavy-lidded eyes and experience the world with your other senses. As the gentle crash of the ocean’s waves awaken you from your nap, the fresh breeze, scented with sea salt and lavender, reminds you that paradise truly does exist! LOve this brand because it’s cruelty-free and it comes in a beautiful glass bottle. It’s also made in the USA.

Taken from Goodnight Darling’s site……



What if you could sleep through the night and not feel guilty about it? We're here to help you sleep well and feel great doing it.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, parent, or creative. Sleep affects us all in more ways than one. Some of you have severe insomnia or suffer from depression. Either way, I have dealt with both and can relate to what you are going through.

I was once a part of the #TeamNoSleep community due to the fact that I just couldn’t sleep at all. I have suffered from insomnia since I was 14 years old. I tried for so many years to just go to sleep and at times I would cry because it truly wasn’t that easy.

I started to research on how I could sleep better and over the years I have developed my own regimen that works.

And that is what I want to share with you. I have created products and will carry brands that are in line with my methods and rituals.

Sleep is not a luxury and that is why we're here. We're here to help you get some sleep.

YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
