How to Make Pasta Dough With Embedded Herbs

Adding fresh herbs to pasta dough is such a wonderful way to add flavor and it is truly just the most beautiful looking pasta!!!!!! I have been seeing it all over Pinterest and Instagram and wanted to give it a try for myself!!!!!!

You can create a wide range of patterns or simply scatter the herbs over the sheets of dough. Any herb that has a thin flexible leaf may be used. Basil, chives, sage, or parsley are just a few example of herbs that embed well. Rosemary, with its stiff needles, would not be suitable because they would tear the pasta as it is being rolled out. (I had lots of sage that I got from my community garden so that’s what I used)

I am by no means a pro at this…in fact I need lots more practice but I really hope to master this. It is certainly a fun hobby and brings a smile to my face.

Begin by rolling out a strip of dough to a thickness of about 1/16 inch. The rolling may be done with a rolling pin or a pasta machine. I use a pasta machine! Lin bought it for me and it is so fun! Arrange the herb leaves on the dough in any fashion that you desire!

Place a second thinly rolled strip of dough on top; press dough firmly. In order for the herbs to adhere properly the dough must be very fresh. If the dough begins to dry out, mist it with a little water. Taking photos and doing this was a bit tough for me because my dough was getting very dry!

Carefully roll both sheets of pasta through the pasta machine or with a rolling pin. The rolling process will stretch the herbs as they are being embedded into the dough (that is why it is necessary to use herbs with flexible leaves.) The pasta may tear a little but you can eliminate the tears by cutting them off later when you create the noodles. Place the pasta sheet on a lightly floured surface.

Use a sharp knife or pastry cutter to cut the dough into large squares or wide noodles. The perfect way to serve this pasta is in broth or with a simple sauce. A clear chicken or beef broth or butter sauce will not hide the herbs in the dough.

Any other tips for me?!!

I cannot wait until I master this so my work looks just as beautiful as Twigg Studios. Just look at this herb embedded pasta!


PS: You will love this Brightland olive oil and see that gorgeous pink bowl?!

It’s a MAGIC ELIXIRS™ MARINATED RED ONION BOWL from one of my favorite Whole30 chefs Teri from No Crumbs Left!

RecipesSamantha RubleComment