Self Care Tips For A Pisces Featuring Purely Northwest Tea Tree Products


My birthday is Friday! And I just cannot believe that a year has gone by already since spending my 40th birthday in SF last year. I had high hopes of starting a life in Europe already and it just seems like no matter what- there is a constant obstacle in the way. Anyhow trying not to let these feelings completely overwhelm me. I do have so much to be grateful for. I do know that! Being a Pisces can be very difficult sometimes! LOL

I have been reading so much about my sign these days and this little book by Stella Andromeda is just so eye opening. I now know why I feel so grounded when my feet are touching the earth or when I am getting a pedicure and my nail tech is massaging my feet. I mean I recognized how I feel but I never really connected it to my sign.

For those of you interested in facts about a Pisces…we are acutely responsive to our surroundings. Pisces is a mutable water sign depicted by two fish, swimming in opposite directions, sometimes confusing fantasy with reality. (for those who know me…this is a shocker, I know) Ruled by Neptune, our world is fluid, imaginative, and empathetic, often picking up the moods of others. Our opposite sign is earthy Virgo.

Our lucky color is totally expected- turquoise blue-green like the ocean! These colors will instantly give us a psychological boost and additional courage. Our lucky days are Fridays. (oh how fitting my birthday is on Friday this year) Our lucky gem is aquamarine and we are drawn to locations that energize and resonate like Portugal, Morocco, Somoa, and Egypt. Inevitably, water-based holidays will appeal. Pisces is a generous and gregarious soul who loves to throw a party!

Imaginative, empathetic, intuitive, and sometimes spiritual to the point of being mystical, Pisces have a quicksilver mind, like fish catching the light as they dart through the watery depths in which they thrive. A Pisces is the most naturally creative of all the signs! The Pisces lives comfortably with their emotions goes without saying. They literally feel their way through life and when they say, “I know how you you feel” they do.

Often very lithe on their feet with quick, graceful movements, Pisces seems to swim easily both with and against the tide, adapting their position as they weave their way through life. Overall, however, they are not the most physically robust of signs, they lack raw energy and can be prone to water retention. Their emotional health can also fluctuate as they are so sensitive to the currents of feelings around them, that it can overwhelm them. Pisces really need to be around upbeat people who can inspire them and promote a more realistic and secure attitude.

The feet, the soles of the body, are ruled by Pisces and it’s here that problems might arise.

Top Tips for Pisces Self care

  1. Reflexology, a foot massage or a pedicure will all help ground Pisces

  2. Strengthening the core muscles can help Pisces feel more stable

  3. Keep well hydrated to help those over active brain cells stay happy

When it comes to looking after themselves, Pisces needs to work towards grounding all their fluctuating thoughts in the real world, balancing the mind and the body so that they exist together as a harmonious whole. It’s all too easy for Pisces to get lost in their head and spend long hours working away at their desk.

One way I ground myself quickly in the middle of the day is with a nice tea tree foot soak from Purely Northwest! They were the first to combine the power of MSM, epsom salt, and Dead Sea salts. Their proprietary blend soothes and softens overworked feet, calluses, corns and so much more.

Directions: Fill foot soaking tub with warm water. Add 1 ounce of foot soak for every gallon of water (approximately 1 ½ tablespoons). Stir with hands until the salt & MSM dissolve. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. Add additional salt for a more stringent and aromatic foot bath.

Remember for Pisces to relax and regenerate , it’s all about the water! Spa services are recommended for us!

I have used their Tea Tree Foot & Body Wash. for years too! A powerful Antifungal soap, is great at banishing odors and soothing skin! This has worked wonders on my super complicated underarm conditions! And of course, it feels great on my feet too.

Purely Northwest is a small company that started on the simple idea of creating natural products to promote healthy skin and nails. Their philosophy has always been simple

Create high quality products that deliver exceptional results and treat every customer the way we would want to be treated “
